Walstead Central Europe is conducting the following projects subsidised with the European Union Funds:


    „Development of an innovative and pro-environmental advertising display”

    Total project cost: PLN 15 201 557,73
    EU contribution: PLN 7 782 754,78

    The project is co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020. The project is implemented as part of the National Center for Research and Development contest: 6/1.1.1/2020 Fast Track.

    The aim of the Project is to develop a unique advertising stand, which will be distinguished by its pro-environmental construction based on the use of ecological materials and biocomponents.

    The proposed stand responds to the needs of FMCG goods manufacturers, in particular from the food industry, including organic food, as well as retail stores offering FMCG products. The display will enable effective exposition of the products using a pro-ecological construction of the display, which will affect the sale of the goods offered. Moreover, it will be compliant with the requirements of the EU ecological policy and will be in line with the trends in the POSM (Point of Sales Materials) industry.

    The project will be implemented by Walstead Kraków Sp. z o.o. The involvement of an interdisciplinary team of specialists with complementary competences in the field of materials science and printing will enable effective implementation of R&D works.


    “A platform for integrated management, planning and control of logistics processes in a production company using cyber-physical systems”

    Total project cost: PLN 25 289 158.34
    EU Contribution: PLN 15 882 915.94

    The project is implemented under the Agreement No. POIR.01.01.01-00-0458/18-00, as part of the Operational Programme Smart Growth for the years 2014-2020. The R&D activities are scheduled for 2018-2021 and involve the wide and interdisciplinary research Team.

    The goal of the project is to conduct R&D works, the result of which will be the development of a multi-layered, integrated architecture of the platform supporting the company management, planning and process control.

    The concept of the platform refers to main phases of the Company’s supply chain management i.e. planning, sourcing, production, inventory and distribution of products.


    “Development of a selective spraying technology of applying scented printing material for commercial industrial applications”


    Total project cost: PLN 777 806.43
    EU Contribution: PLN 389 886.12

    The project is implemented under the Agreement No. RPMP.01.02.01-12-0619/16-00, as part of the 1st Priority Axis Knowledge-Based Economy, the Regional Operational Programme of the Małopolskie Province for the years 2014-2020, Measure 1.2 Research and Innovation in Companies, Submeasure 1.2.1 Corporate Research and Development Projects. In line with the schedule, the project is implemented from February 2017 till May 2019 and it involves the basic, four-member research team.

    The objective of the project is to test an innovative printing technology and to confirm its commercial industrial applicability.
    Thanks to the project aiming at a development of a selective spraying technology of applying scented printing material for commercial industrial applications, the Applicant will exploit the results of R&D works in its business activities by modifying the production process with the application of a scented printing material. Therefore, the direct recipient of project effects is the Applicant. The Applicant’s demand for project effects stems from its willingness to improve production process of printing materials containing scented print and to provide high quality printing services.

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